
С юмором на день рождения учителя английского языка

Если у вас скоро день рождения у вашего учителя английского языка, поздравить его нужно так, чтобы было и приятно, и весело. В статье вы найдете 10 забавных поздравлений, которые точно развеселят вашего педагога.

Описание праздника: День рождения учителя английского языка – это прекрасный повод для близких и учеников поблагодарить его за усердную работу и помощь в овладении иностранным языком. Этот день можно отметить весело и задорно, добавив к поздравлениям юмористические и остроумные шутки.

1. Happy birthday, dear teacher! You’re the coolest English guru in the world, so we decided to make your day teaching-free. Enjoy it while it lasts!
2. Dear teacher, on your birthday, let’s forget English grammar rules and celebrate life, love, and happiness. Happy birthday!
3. Happy birthday, Mr. Smith! You’re the one person who made English language sound so interesting and fun. Wishing you all the best today!
4. You’re a fantastic teacher and an amazing person, and today everyone should know that it’s your birthday. So let’s sing you a song in English (or any language you wish!) and eat cake until we burst. Happy birthday!
5. One, two, three, and here comes your birthday present, Mrs. Brown! It’s an alphabet book with all the letters replaced with your gorgeous smile. Hope you like it!
6. Hey, teacher, do you remember that time when we couldn’t tell the difference between «there» and «their»? Now we can write an essay on Shakespeare because of you. Happy birthday, mastermind!
7. Happy birthday to the teacher who makes English grammar sound as easy as ABC. We hope you have the best day ever, filled with laughter, love, and lots of cake!
8. It’s not everyday we get to celebrate our English teacher’s birthday, so let’s make it memorable. May your day be as bright and shining as your students’ future. Happy birthday!
9. Dear Mr. Johnson, on your birthday we want to thank you for teaching us cool English slang words that make us sound like native speakers. Hope you’re not mad if we use them too much today. Happy birthday!
10. You might be an English teacher, but you speak the language of love and kindness better than anyone else. Wishing you all the joy and happiness on your special day. Happy birthday, dear teacher!